Thursday, August 7, 2008


My work is all done for this week of course! I'm honestly really glad its over.. now i have to sit back and take it easy again! and well wait for my results.. *crossing my fingers*.. well my shoulder has a small partial thickness tear and the fluid in my shoulder is almost gone (which is bad) well i have to go for 6 weeks of intense physio with Andrew!! I'm sad. I 've been through many things but what I'm going through now it truly the worst.. my heart aches and I'm so disoriented.. All that keeps me going in work and the unbearable pain from my shoulder. I don't know what to do anymore and I don't want to give up but sometimes that's all I want to do. Well I'm probably going to watch a movie and go to pancake parlor (sister has an interview:) it benefits me is some ways hehe!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Cramming Work!

It's 3am in the morning and it's safe to say that I'm done with my work.. I'm so tired and feel like hitting the sack but I'm waiting for a certain someone to come online. My day has been filled with upside down smiles and a strain on my shoulder it hurts.. I don't think I'll able to move it much tomorrow.. I hope the Neurofen helps though! Well I have an afternoon class and also the physio therapy session i postponed on Monday. I don't really know whether I'll make it in the morning.. I would recommend 'whoever reads this' mount a board ( make a tiny window) and stick a picture behind it. All the work I did today was worthy.. All the effort.. Till next time then..

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tuesday Mornings!

I was unable to open my big eyes and get my day started if he wasn't online to wake me up.. I truly miss him..I was 8 mins late for class but it was a very dull morning.. it was cold and it was raining! The first 2hrs of class was filled with boredom on how use a search engine! And i was told to be quite because i was answering too many questions! Where's the justice?!! Its not like anyone else wants to answer the ass numbly dull library liaison! My morning will extend into a very boring day because it started out with research and half of the class isn't here! Aside from all that mushu-ness Antonio Gaudi! Is sooo awesome!! look him up!

Stubborn Mule

Well with the recent development of my shoulder injury ( inflammation and a minor tear in my muscle) I have been trying to avoid the doctors and the physio therapist office.. I don't know why I'm avoiding those places.. Maybe its the long lectures or the awkwardness.. I was suppose to get up and go for my appointment at 11:30 am today yet i couldn't bring myself to do it i was so nervous and for some reason i couldn't get out of my bed.. My week has been so hectic and depressing i have to face my weight and i can't do it and i have a lot of work to do which is driving me nuts! Tonight will be a long night of printing and a shitload of layout work! Last work i was show en how our work was suppose to be presented in 'Design Communications' and i didn't saw it coming at all! I was so far away from accomplishing that! I was Fuck!!! I'm so screwed! and all this was due d on this coming Thursday! and i have 5 more layout's and one more layout that's is suppose to be on a grid and then the cut out and i hope i wont be losing my precious mind anytime sooner!! Well that's me for now!