Thursday, August 7, 2008


My work is all done for this week of course! I'm honestly really glad its over.. now i have to sit back and take it easy again! and well wait for my results.. *crossing my fingers*.. well my shoulder has a small partial thickness tear and the fluid in my shoulder is almost gone (which is bad) well i have to go for 6 weeks of intense physio with Andrew!! I'm sad. I 've been through many things but what I'm going through now it truly the worst.. my heart aches and I'm so disoriented.. All that keeps me going in work and the unbearable pain from my shoulder. I don't know what to do anymore and I don't want to give up but sometimes that's all I want to do. Well I'm probably going to watch a movie and go to pancake parlor (sister has an interview:) it benefits me is some ways hehe!

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